
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

This blog already features one engaging enchantress, but this bosom belle rides her original besom with a wooden handle and bisque bristles. Of excellent sharp bisque, she is 7 inches tall and is beautifully and realistically modeled.
Her expression is lively, with a little wicked glint in her intaglio eyes and molded teeth visible between her full smiling lips.

These delicious damsels in their domino masks examine their cache of candy corn from a successful night of trick or treating (I will leave it to others to make the obligatory "trick" joke).   
Both these masked maidens are by William Goebel.  The voluptuous brunette is 4.5 inches high and is stamped "Germany" in black, while the lady with the lute is 4 inches tall and, in addition to the black "Germany" stamp, is incised "3739" and "B."  Both retain the remains of their original wigs.  Typical of Goebel, the wigs are a hank of mohair around the figure's bald pate and held in place with tiny pins.  Because the wigs were not sewn to a supporting wig cap, they tend to unravel over time.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Beach Boys (Updated 10/10/13)

This beefcake beach boy by Hertwig and Company has appeared before on this blog.  Of good china, he is incised "544" on the back of his hips.  He is making an encore appearance to introduce. . . .

his (slightly) bigger brother.  This brawny blond is of light-weight earthenware that Hertwig advertised as "feinsteingut."  He is 4 inches long, and in addition to the "544" mark, is incised underneath "16."

This picture from the Hertwig catalogue shows two swimsuit-clad men, model numbers 544 and 545.  I have not yet come across Model 545 in either china or earthenware.

REPRODUCTION WARNING!: The Belgium company Mundial at Kerlouve  is currently reproducing this bathing boy (see HR2009-1 and HR2009-3).  However, as is typical of this company's products, the quality is far below that of the antique originals, with the surface artificially stained to give the pieces the look of age (and to help hide the poor workmanship).  No doubt these pieces are already turning up at antiques markets throughout Europe, where they are being sold as old, and they could fool unwary dealers and collectors who have not had the chance to see the authentic antiques.