
Friday, January 26, 2024

Mystery Maiden

This large and lovely languorous lass harks back to a time when voluptuous curves were in vogue, and not filled with silicone or saline solution. I have come across several similar nubile nudes, but have never been able to attribute them to a particular company. They all exhibit the same excellent bisque with an odd slightly porous feel and are modeled with ample curves and molded tresses.

The faces tend to be rounded with pointed chins and the painted blue eyes have mauve shading. The rounded limbs are generally molded away from the body and the hands are small, delicate, and plump. Although the quality is surely one any company would be proud to claim, they are unmarked. They also tend to be on the larger size, as this luscious lady is 6.5 inches long.


Thursday, January 4, 2024

Trapped in Amber. . .

. . . which is certainly what any man might be if he gazed into smoky golden eyes such as these. This sultry siren is a half doll attributed to the German firm of Fasold and Stauch. A number of their luscious ladies have been featured on this blog in various forms, including nudes, bathing beauties, and half dolls. The elongated almond amber eyes shadowed by smoky grey shading and slender, gracefully gesturing hands are signatures of Fasold. Of excellent china and beautifully molded and decorated, this wholly beautiful half doll is 4 inches tall and incised with an obscured number on the back of her base.