Postcard Image

Postcard Image
As the Victorian era passed into the Edwardian and Roaring Twenties, a market developed for bisque and china bawdy novelties and figurines of women in revealing outfits. Although now most of these figurines seem more coy and cute than ribald and risque, in their time they symbolized the casting off of the perceived restraints of the Victorian era.

These little lovelies included bathing beauties, who came clad in swimsuits of real lace or in stylish painted beach wear, as well as mermaids, harem ladies, and nudies, who were meant to wear nothing more than an engaging smile. Also produced were flippers, innocent appearing figurines who reveal a bawdy secret when flipped over, and squirters, figurines that were meant to squirt water out of an appropriate orifice.

Most were manufactured in Germany from the late 1800s through the 1930s, often showing remarkable artistry and imagination, with Japan entering the market during World War I.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Mystery Maiden

This large and lovely languorous lass harks back to a time when voluptuous curves were in vogue, and not filled with silicone or saline solution. I have come across several similar nubile nudes, but have never been able to attribute them to a particular company. They all exhibit the same excellent bisque with an odd slightly porous feel and are modeled with ample curves and molded tresses.

The faces tend to be rounded with pointed chins and the painted blue eyes have mauve shading. The rounded limbs are generally molded away from the body and the hands are small, delicate, and plump. Although the quality is surely one any company would be proud to claim, they are unmarked. They also tend to be on the larger size, as this luscious lady is 6.5 inches long.


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